Tag: Skedsmo
Drone Photography and Video Production in Stavanger – Specializing in Offshore, Heavy Industry, Construction Projects, and Large Events In the Stavanger region, we are your reliable partner for high-quality drone photography and video production. We particularly focus on larger clients within the offshore industry, governmental sector, major industrial companies, construction projects, as well as large festivals and events. Our team of highly qualified and experienced pilots are also trained to carry out advanced flight missions from ships. We offer tailor-made solutions for: Offshore Companies: Capture the impressive range of offshore operations with detailed and precise aerial photographs, thanks to our ...
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DRONE PHOTOGRAPHY & DRONEVIDEO Drone Photography and Video Production in Trondheim – Specializing in Offshore, Heavy Industry, Construction Projects, and Large Events In the Trondheim region, we are your reliable partner for high-quality drone photography and video production. We particularly focus on larger clients within the offshore industry, governmental sector, major industrial companies, construction projects, as well as large festivals and events. Our team of highly qualified and experienced pilots are also trained to carry out advanced flight missions from ships. We offer tailor-made solutions for: Offshore Companies: Capture the impressive range of offshore operations with detailed and precise aerial ...
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DRONE PHOTOGRAPHY & DRONEVIDEO Drone Photography and Video Production Across Norway – Specializing in Offshore, Heavy Industry, Construction Projects, Grand Events, and More Across Norway, we stand as your go-to partner for superior drone photography and video production, ready to travel wherever your project takes us. Our team specializes in offering tailored services to substantial clients in diverse sectors such as the offshore industry, governmental bodies, and large industrial firms. We also cover massive construction projects, grand scale festivals, events, and ceremonies. Here is an overview of our services: Offshore and Maritime Enterprises: We encapsulate the vast scope of maritime ...
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DRONE SERVICES – OSLO AND VIKEN Drone video and photography of commercial properties, housing cooperatives, and private properties in Oslo and nearby areas. FF takes assignments in, among others, Akershus, Asker, Bærum, Drammen, Eiker, Fredrikstad, Jessheim, Lier, Lillestrøm, Lørenskog, Moss, Nes, Oppegård, Oslo, Rælingen, Skedsmo, Ski, Ullensaker. We offer drone video and photography services for commercial properties, cooperative housing societies, and private properties in Oslo and nearby regions. Within Ring 3, we are equipped to assist with the NF-1129 application process for drone flights in accordance with the EN R102 regulations in central Oslo, facilitating a smoother and compliant operation ...
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Sportsfotografering refererer til sjangeren fotografering som dekker alle typer idretter. Vi kan formidle flere fotografer til alle typer sport, og kan i tillegg utføre portrett oppdrag for lag og foreninger. Den viktigste anvendelsen av profesjonelle sportsfotograf er for redaksjonelle formål; aviser, klubber, sportseventer, konkurranser og sportsmagasiner. Imidlertid er sportsfotografering også brukt i reklameøyemed og kan bidra til å bygge en merkevare. Vi tar i mot oppdrag fra kommuner, foreninger og idrettslag og har erfaring med bl.a. marathon, gateløp, sykling. Det er mulig å bestille timebasert, halvdags og heldagsdekning som inneholder bilder fra preperasjon, selve eventen, premieutdeling og avslutning. FOTBALL FOTOGRAFERING ...
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Firmafotografen hjelper næringsliv, bedrifter og offentlig sektor med oversiktlige bilder med stor gjenbruksverdi. Fotograf: Aksel Lian Fotograf: Aksel Lian Fotograf: Aksel Lian Fotograf: Aksel Lian Fotograf: Aksel Lian Fotograf: Aksel Lian Eiendomsfotografering næringsliv galleri var sist oppdatert: January 7th, 2020 av firmafotografen
PHOTOGRAPHY OF EMPLOYEES FOR WEBSITES, PRESENTATION AND ID CARDS With several highly skilled portrait photographers, we can offer your company the best portrait photos of your employees with great results, ready for publication on your websites or digital use or prints. We show up at the agreed time and set up a field studio with the desired background or use the natural background. Your company gets full use access to all the images and thereby not have to negotiate use rights or get in conflict interest that are often experienced with many photographers today. ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED ...
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Firmafotografen hjelper deg med oversiktlige og naturlige bilder av din bolig for salg eller utleie. Se våre gunstige pakke-priser eller kontakt oss for et godt tilbud. Galleri 2 | Galleri 3 Boligfotograf Oslo-Drammen-Lillestrøm Galleri bilder var sist oppdatert: August 12th, 2021 av firmafotografen
Produkt fotografering for nettsalg, butikk eller katalog Vi tilbyr on-site fotografering av deres produkter og varer klargjort for webbruk eller print. Med skreddersydde pakkepriser, kan vi fotografere flere hundre produkter med gjennomsiktig bakgrunn, slik at bildene kan brukes i alle typer bakgrunn inkludert websider. Bildene leveres i 3 formater som er liten, medium og stor. Oppløsningene bestemmer du selv, eller vi bruker standard verdier som brukes av de fleste CMS løsninger. Behandling av bilder som du allerede har Dersom du allerede har mange bilder tilgjengelig, men mangler gjennomsiktig bakgrunn på disse, tilbyr vi også redigering av enkeltbilder eller kataloger. ...
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Firmafotografen hjelper deg med oversiktlige og naturlige bilder av din bolig for salg eller utleie. Se våre gunstige pakke-priser eller kontakt oss for et godt tilbud. Galleri 1 | Galleri 3 Boligfotograf Oslo-Drammen-Lillestrøm Galleri bilder 2 var sist oppdatert: August 12th, 2021 av firmafotografen