A Brand Documentary Video is the dramatic entrance you’ve always wanted. Your brand’s story, personality and philosophy all get to be center stage. Even add employee and client testimonials for a more personal angle. The truth is that with all the information floating in the universe, everyone will have their own varied ideas about who you are. A Brand Documentary video is the best way to cut through all the assumptions and misconceptions and tell your own story yourself.


There are three things to remember in making a successful Brand Documentary Video:

1. Keep it personal.  Your brand is your personality and you want to connect intimately with your audience. Be personable and include meaningful stories.

2. Play to your strengths. Has your company been around 100 years?  Or are you shaking up your industry right now? Either way, decide what makes you great and reinforce that message throughout your video.

3. Be brief. You want to hook your audience in the first 10 seconds, and the whole video should be no more than one to two minutes. When it all comes together, you’ll make the intended impression and crystallize your company’s story for the public as well as your own employees and shareholders.

Gjeldende fra: May 3, 2023

Om oss video introduksjon var sist oppdatert: May 3rd, 2023 av firmafotografen